In [1]:
# imports
%matplotlib inline
# %pylab osx
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from scipy.misc import imresize
from PIL import Image

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cmx'ggplot')

# Bit of formatting because I don't like the default inline code style:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
HTML("""<style> .rendered_html code { 
    padding: 2px 4px;
    color: #c7254e;
    background-color: #f9f2f4;
    border-radius: 4px;
} </style>""")


Painting and image

In [60]:
def crop_square(img):
    if img.shape[0] > img.shape[1]:
        extra = (img.shape[0] - img.shape[1])
        if extra % 2 == 0:
            crop = img[extra // 2:-extra // 2, :]
            crop = img[max(0, extra // 2 - 1):min(-1, -extra // 2), :]
    elif img.shape[1] > img.shape[0]:
        extra = (img.shape[1] - img.shape[0])
        if extra % 2 == 0:
            crop = img[:, extra // 2:-extra // 2]
            crop = img[:, max(0, extra // 2 - 1):min(-1, -extra // 2)]
        crop = img
    return crop

def crop_center(img, new_height, new_width):
   width =  np.size(img,1)
   height =  np.size(img,0)

   left = np.ceil((width - new_width)/2.)
   top = np.ceil((height - new_height)/2.)
   right = np.floor((width + new_width)/2.)
   bottom = np.floor((height + new_height)/2.)
   cImg = img[top:bottom, left:right]
   return cImg

image_files  = ['./images/20130712_190436_1.jpg','./images/20140108_162814.jpg']
img_orig     = [plt.imread(im) for im in image_files] 
img_cropped  = [crop_square(im) for im in img_orig]
imgs_resized = [imresize(im, (256, 256)) for im in img_cropped]

background   = Image.fromarray(imgs_resized[0])
overlay      = Image.fromarray(imgs_resized[1])

background   = background.convert("RGBA")
overlay      = overlay.convert("RGBA")
blended      = Image.blend(background, overlay, 0.65).convert("RGB")
img          = np.asarray(blended)

img          = imgs_resized[0]

# xs: pixel coordinates, ys: RGB values
xs = []
ys = []
getting_data = [1,1]
for row_i in range(img.shape[0]):
    for col_i in range(img.shape[1]):
        xs.append([row_i, col_i])
        ys.append(img[row_i, col_i])

xs = np.array(xs)
ys = np.array(ys)

xs = (xs - np.mean(xs)) / np.std(xs)

print xs.shape, ys.shape

(65536, 2) (65536, 3)

Define a single layer in tensorflow

A single layer consists of linear unit plus and activation function. The W values are initialized using random values drawn from a normal distribution while biases are initialized to zero. More on variables creation, initialization, saving and loading in here

In [3]:
# Define a single hidden layer with activation function
# Creating variables with scope (unique name) allows easy chaining of layers
def linear(X, n_input, n_output, activation, scope):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope):
        # Create/return variable with a given scope
        W = tf.get_variable(
            shape=[n_input, n_output],
            initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.1))
        b = tf.get_variable(
        h = tf.matmul(X, W) + b
        if activation is not None:
            h = activation(h)
        return h

Create the deep network

By chaining together layers starting with the input (stream of (x,y) values) and ending with the output - corresponding stream of RGB values.

In [63]:
g  = tf.get_default_graph()

# in: 2 (x,y), out 
n_neurons = [2, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 3]

X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 2], name='X')
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 3], name='Y')

current_input = X
for layer_i in range(1, len(n_neurons)):
    current_input = linear(
        n_input=n_neurons[layer_i - 1],
        activation=tf.nn.relu if (layer_i+1) < len(n_neurons) else None,
        scope='layer_' + str(layer_i))
Y_pred = current_input

Define a cost function

The cost function defined below is the average of the absolute difference between known RGB values (Y) and RGB values predicted by the network (Y_pred).

In [64]:
# L1 cost function
def distance_l1(p1, p2):
    return tf.abs(p1 - p2)
def distance_l2(p1, p2):
    return tf.pow(p1 - p2,2)

distance  = distance_l2
cost      = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(distance(Y_pred, Y), 1))  # cost: maen of sum of absolute values of RGB 

print Y.get_shape(),Y_pred.get_shape(),tf.reduce_sum(distance(Y_pred, Y), 1).get_shape(),cost.get_shape()

(?, 3) (?, 3) (?,) ()


Using specifig number of iterations, batch size and learning rate

In [66]:
n_iterations  = 2000
batch_size    = 50
learning_rate = 0.0005

imgs          = []
costs         = []
gif_step      = 50

optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Initialize all tf variables using specified initializers

    # We now run a loop over epochs
    prev_training_cost = -1.0
    for it_i in range(n_iterations):
        idxs = np.random.permutation(range(len(xs)))
        n_batches = len(idxs) // batch_size
        for batch_i in range(n_batches):
            idxs_i = idxs[batch_i * batch_size: (batch_i + 1) * batch_size]
                     feed_dict={X: xs[idxs_i], Y: ys[idxs_i]})

        training_cost =, feed_dict={X: xs, Y: ys})

        store_img = False   
        if prev_training_cost < 0.0 or training_cost < prev_training_cost:
            print 'Iteration: {} , cost: {}'.format(it_i, training_cost)
            store_img = True
            ys_pred   = Y_pred.eval(feed_dict={X: xs}, session=sess)
            img       = np.clip(ys_pred.reshape(img.shape), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
            prev_training_cost = training_cost

        if (it_i + 1) % gif_step == 0:
            print 'Iteration: {}'.format(it_i)

Iteration: 0 , cost: 9433.05078125
Iteration: 1 , cost: 7725.79785156
Iteration: 2 , cost: 7010.34375
Iteration: 3 , cost: 6417.06054688
Iteration: 4 , cost: 6143.23583984
Iteration: 5 , cost: 6074.25537109
Iteration: 6 , cost: 5425.47558594
Iteration: 7 , cost: 5275.65917969
Iteration: 8 , cost: 4952.15136719
Iteration: 9 , cost: 4203.64257812
Iteration: 10 , cost: 4077.52587891
Iteration: 11 , cost: 3860.03222656
Iteration: 12 , cost: 3683.48681641
Iteration: 13 , cost: 3569.01660156
Iteration: 14 , cost: 3458.77294922
Iteration: 15 , cost: 3397.55493164
Iteration: 17 , cost: 3160.74267578
Iteration: 21 , cost: 2980.12158203
Iteration: 24 , cost: 2712.12524414
Iteration: 30 , cost: 2707.38891602
Iteration: 31 , cost: 2691.64990234
Iteration: 32 , cost: 2691.21801758
Iteration: 33 , cost: 2478.07128906
Iteration: 35 , cost: 2466.18457031
Iteration: 39 , cost: 2410.87402344
Iteration: 41 , cost: 2298.60473633
Iteration: 42 , cost: 2224.61987305
Iteration: 45 , cost: 2020.94970703
Iteration: 49
Iteration: 51 , cost: 2019.1072998
Iteration: 52 , cost: 1969.71118164
Iteration: 53 , cost: 1945.17773438
Iteration: 54 , cost: 1891.16064453
Iteration: 59 , cost: 1866.71789551
Iteration: 62 , cost: 1824.35302734
Iteration: 66 , cost: 1640.78015137
Iteration: 72 , cost: 1570.84667969
Iteration: 76 , cost: 1543.79760742
Iteration: 81 , cost: 1522.97412109
Iteration: 86 , cost: 1465.02490234
Iteration: 89 , cost: 1364.99853516
Iteration: 99
Iteration: 100 , cost: 1350.84179688
Iteration: 102 , cost: 1348.60693359
Iteration: 104 , cost: 1314.95019531
Iteration: 105 , cost: 1236.04052734
Iteration: 111 , cost: 1235.70751953
Iteration: 122 , cost: 1192.68786621
Iteration: 126 , cost: 1123.3560791
Iteration: 142 , cost: 1088.59057617
Iteration: 146 , cost: 1043.55444336
Iteration: 149
Iteration: 150 , cost: 1021.93817139
Iteration: 151 , cost: 992.083251953
Iteration: 168 , cost: 965.633544922
Iteration: 172 , cost: 960.784362793
Iteration: 174 , cost: 912.067443848
Iteration: 182 , cost: 884.205322266
Iteration: 189 , cost: 875.991821289
Iteration: 194 , cost: 849.144287109
Iteration: 199
Iteration: 209 , cost: 837.662597656
Iteration: 214 , cost: 800.198547363
Iteration: 219 , cost: 764.344848633
Iteration: 241 , cost: 755.737243652
Iteration: 246 , cost: 749.155883789
Iteration: 249
Iteration: 269 , cost: 728.010009766
Iteration: 279 , cost: 720.468505859
Iteration: 283 , cost: 698.329406738
Iteration: 295 , cost: 661.67199707
Iteration: 299
Iteration: 313 , cost: 638.033935547
Iteration: 326 , cost: 621.104187012
Iteration: 332 , cost: 610.494934082
Iteration: 349
Iteration: 375 , cost: 579.322937012
Iteration: 379 , cost: 550.346191406
Iteration: 399
Iteration: 418 , cost: 536.435668945
Iteration: 449
Iteration: 451 , cost: 492.25970459
Iteration: 492 , cost: 483.128845215
Iteration: 499
Iteration: 504 , cost: 472.895385742
Iteration: 544 , cost: 467.034606934
Iteration: 549
Iteration: 564 , cost: 463.396606445
Iteration: 582 , cost: 437.827514648
Iteration: 599
Iteration: 611 , cost: 427.849761963
Iteration: 615 , cost: 421.647186279
Iteration: 649
Iteration: 661 , cost: 418.716247559
Iteration: 681 , cost: 408.55480957
Iteration: 699
Iteration: 716 , cost: 400.641998291
Iteration: 741 , cost: 380.023529053
Iteration: 749
Iteration: 768 , cost: 344.609924316
Iteration: 799
Iteration: 849
Iteration: 872 , cost: 342.99710083
Iteration: 899
Iteration: 931 , cost: 340.358337402
Iteration: 944 , cost: 334.484741211
Iteration: 949
Iteration: 958 , cost: 325.192230225
Iteration: 999
Iteration: 1007 , cost: 319.941741943
Iteration: 1028 , cost: 308.405883789
Iteration: 1049
Iteration: 1055 , cost: 299.993469238
Iteration: 1078 , cost: 297.924957275
Iteration: 1099
Iteration: 1111 , cost: 296.130615234
Iteration: 1149
Iteration: 1188 , cost: 294.543273926
Iteration: 1192 , cost: 269.355285645
Iteration: 1199
Iteration: 1210 , cost: 256.971984863
Iteration: 1249
Iteration: 1299
Iteration: 1312 , cost: 255.963485718
Iteration: 1349
Iteration: 1399
Iteration: 1416 , cost: 249.577957153
Iteration: 1449
Iteration: 1460 , cost: 244.057495117
Iteration: 1499
Iteration: 1506 , cost: 233.975402832
Iteration: 1549
Iteration: 1599
Iteration: 1649
Iteration: 1681 , cost: 226.933547974
Iteration: 1699
Iteration: 1723 , cost: 223.755096436
Iteration: 1740 , cost: 222.480178833
Iteration: 1749
Iteration: 1799
Iteration: 1837 , cost: 210.982284546
Iteration: 1849
Iteration: 1899
Iteration: 1949
Iteration: 1999 , cost: 202.750061035
Iteration: 1999

Make a video clip

In [67]:
import moviepy.editor as mpy
i = -1

class MakeClip():
    def __init__(self,imgs):
        self.imgs = imgs
        self.i    = -1

    def make_frame(self,t):
        print ' t= ',t
        self.i += 1
        if self.i >= len(self.imgs):
            self.i = 0
        return self.imgs[self.i]

print 'N images in clip: ',len(imgs)
make_clip = MakeClip(imgs)
clip1      = mpy.VideoClip(make_clip.make_frame, duration=2) # 2 seconds

clip2 = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(imgs, fps=100)

N images in clip:  106
 t=  0

[MoviePy] Building file my1.gif with imageio
 41%|████      | 21/51 [00:00<00:00, 207.74it/s]
 t=  0.0
 t=  0.04
 t=  0.08
 t=  0.12
 t=  0.16
 t=  0.2
 t=  0.24
 t=  0.28
 t=  0.32
 t=  0.36
 t=  0.4
 t=  0.44
 t=  0.48
 t=  0.52
 t=  0.56
 t=  0.6
 t=  0.64
 t=  0.68
 t=  0.72
 t=  0.76
 t=  0.8
 t=  0.84
 t=  0.88
 t=  0.92
 t=  0.96
 t=  1.0
 t=  1.04
 t=  1.08
 t=  1.12
 t=  1.16
 t=  1.2
 t=  1.24
 t=  1.28
 t=  1.32
 t=  1.36
 t=  1.4
 t=  1.44
 t=  1.48
 t=  1.52
 t=  1.56
 t=  1.6
 t=  1.64
 t=  1.68
 t=  1.72
 98%|█████████▊| 50/51 [00:00<00:00, 209.96it/s]
 t=  1.76
 t=  1.8
 t=  1.84
 t=  1.88
 t=  1.92
 t=  1.96

[MoviePy] Building file my2.gif with imageio
100%|██████████| 107/107 [00:00<00:00, 228.98it/s]

In [ ]: